Everyone has been waiting for the day that they will all meet for lunch or dinner. It was scheduled on a Monday, but had to be later called off due to each person's commitments.
Finally, it was rescheduled for Friday. The waiting people came early around 4 PM. Much to their slight dismay, she has not arrived yet.
Due to High Finance Woman's words (and may we say discouraging words) they were losing heart. High Finance Woman keeps commenting that Toklang told her she has no balikbayan boxes for them all. Later, towards the hours, High Finance Woman hints that maybe Toklang has no time or no money to spare..... later she confesses the issue that Papa Robi raised when High Finance Woman commented years ago that Toklang gives out scraps ("bulok"). And when it was getting dark, High Finance Woman says that maybe Toklang will make them wait.
Woo-hoo! Toklang and family arrives at 7PM with 3 balikbayan boxes! Yes, High Finance Woman, that's 3. Count 1-2-3, that's for all of you!
What's more, Toklang was not stingy as you dread she would be. She handed each of them 5 for each child and 100 for each sibling. Look here.... kiss your Canadian dollars! We most likely prefer our td canada trust and diamond ring insurance than what they received. Thank!
And the next day, they all went grocery-shopping. One cart for each family. Plus a sack of rice each. They included Tokak's family, shopping for him in his absence.
So to sum it all, Toklang is not stingy as they once feared. She is actually thoughtful. She may have saved so much when she worked so hard, imagine 17 hours straight at a time. But later, when all the gifts and tokens are gone, someone will still complain that they did not receive enough. Who might that be?
And now, it seems, everyone is silent. No one texts, no one calls, no news. That's what we call the worst storm to come ever!
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