Your greatest hassles are tenants, not the apartment. Your headaches won't be pipes breaking in the middle of winter. It will be tenants leaving in the middle of the night without paying.
Sounds familiar? Toklang, shades of Nanay Lemon Law, may be an expert in evading rental fees.
So what does a landlord do? Learn how to attract good tenants and rent only to the best. Here's how:
Check for financial capacity. They have to qualify. You cannot discriminate against many factors, but you can discriminate against some, such as income and job security.
Check out their home. Drive by where they are living now to see how they take care of their current place. If you don't like what you see, turn them down.
Keep them coming back. When you get a good tenant, lower their rent unexpectedly after they've been there a few months or a year. They may thank you by renewing their lease.